
Loctite® adhesives ‘bond’ couple for life

What do you think of when you think of weddings? Love, dancing, flowers and . . . LOCTITE®? Yes, Loctite!

Adhesive Technologies Aug 22, 2018

A few months ago, a couple from North Carolina reached out to the LOCTITE® brand team with a request to incorporate Loctite, their favorite adhesive, into their special day. The couple, Rick Stowers and Ashley Conner, are remote control (RC) helicopter enthusiasts and avid users of Loctite adhesives for the inside and outside of their RC helicopters.
Rick and Ashley decided on a #LoctiteForLife wedding tagline to connect their passion and the symbolism of marriage as being “bonded together” for life. In addition, and aligned with their steampunk theme, instead of a traditional unity candle, they planned a special unity ceremony using a mechanical gear box, constructed using Loctite® 4070 hybrid adhesive, to symbolize joining their two lives together.
To help Rick and Ashley celebrate, the Loctite brand team brought their “Seeing Is Believing” mobile marketing trailer to the ceremony in Virginia, offering innovative, interactive demos to wedding guests to test the power of the adhesives.

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Rick Stowers and Ashley Conner with the Loctite “Seeing Is Believing” trailer at the wedding ceremony

Rick Stowers and Ashley Conner with the Loctite “Seeing Is Believing” trailer at the wedding ceremony

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The couple's

The couple's "Unity Box" constructed using Loctite® 4070 hybrid adhesive

Rick and Ashley answered some questions about their one-of-a-kind wedding:

Why did you want Loctite to be a part of your wedding?

Marriage is a union between two people that creates a bond for life. Loctite is a union between two objects that creates a bond for life. Since we use Loctite quite often, we figured it would be very clever to combine the two and make our wedding into an all-weekend RC helicopter event and call it #LoctiteForLife.

What do you use Loctite products for?

We primarily use Loctite on the RC Helicopters we fly. Helicopters are full of vibrations that can easily make bolts fall out, resulting in a crash. We use it on any metal-to-metal threaded areas.

Do you have a most common Loctite product? Or a favorite?

Blue and Red Loctite threadlockers are the most commonly used. The type of product just depends on the application. We use Red for items when we really don't want them to ever come undone again without applying heat. We use Blue for smaller bolts or items that may need to be removed for maintenance.