Stefan L. Mund in a yoga pose

Participating in a virtual yoga class with my team.

In addition to leveraging our new framework, I’ve found that while COVID-19 is unique in many ways, some standard practices still apply. For example, establishing structure and communication is key to any crisis. As I watched the pandemic first emerge and grow in other parts of the world, I knew it was important to establish a crisis team immediately. Since early-on in the pandemic, this core group has met every day or every other day. It’s critical to communicate frequently, openly and in both ways; top-down and bottom-up. In addition to employee Town Halls, Video messages and regular email updates from company leadership, we have created an online hub for our Beauty Care Hair Professional employees, where they could find real-time updates and could ask any questions, combined with the promise to receive an answer in 24hrs, at the latest.

During uncertain times like this, it’s important for us to acknowledge and celebrate our most valuable and creative assets: our employees and our community. In fact, the crisis has created a stronger sense of unity and spirit within our industry and our teams at Henkel. We view our Culver City, CA office – which serves as Henkel’s North American Beauty Care Hair Professional headquarters hub – as not just a place to work, but a community where people go to find purpose in their work. I’m proud of the team’s initiative and passion to keep their connection with each other through regular virtual team building sessions– I even joined a yoga class myself!     

As we continue to adapt to our ‘new normal,’ it’s increasingly critical for teams and industry to view this crisis as an opportunity to develop creative solutions. From crisis comes creativity. Embracing agility, gaining new perspectives, and adopting new approaches are essential to addressing our customers’ needs, as well as our progress over the next few years. By leveraging our creative ingenuity, we can support the long-term resiliency and success of our teams, ours and our customers business and the entire professional community.